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桐朋女子高等学校音楽科(男女共学)にて岡本美智子氏に師事し、同校卒業後、桐朋学園大学ソリストディプロマコースに進む。フランス・パリ国立高等音楽院に審査員満場一致で合格し渡仏し、ジャック・ルヴィエ氏のクラスにて学ぶ。2010年桐朋学園大学ソリストディプロマコース修了。2011年パリ国立高等音楽院ピアノ科修士課程を首席修了。同時にブリュートナー賞を授与され、受賞記念リサイタルを開催。また、同音楽院室内楽科にてフィリップ・ベルノルド氏、ミシェル・モラゲス氏に師事し 2012年審査員満場一致の優秀な成績でディプロム取得。その後、スコラ・カントルム(パリ)にてジョルジュ・プリューデルマシェール氏に師事し、2014年に上級課程ディプロム取得。同年秋に日本へ帰国。 

2008 年より4年間ローム・ミュージックファンデーション奨学生。2015 年 ABC 新人音楽賞。2018年テレザ・ヤクーナ国際ピアノコンクール第3位。2020年市川市文化振興財団第4 回即興オーディション優秀賞。 

室内楽奏者としてはこれまでにサル・プレイエルやサル・コルトーなどで演奏。また現代音楽作品の初演や邦人作品のフランス初演も多数行っている。2022年よりピアノ三重奏団TRIO VENTUS(トリオ・ヴェントゥス)にピアニストとして加入した。2023年度第33回青山音楽賞バロックザール賞受賞。

Born in 1987, Musashi Ishikawa started playing piano when he was 6 years old. He entered to Toho Gakuen Music High School in 2003, he was the student of Michiko Okamoto. He was admitted in the class of Jacques Rouvier at Conservatoire National Supérieur de Musique et de Danse de Paris(CNSMDP) in 2006. In 2010, he was conferred the Soloist Diploma by Toho Gakuen College, then the graduate degree of Master with top honors at CNSMDP and won the prize Bluthner. He obtained also the graduate degree of Bachelor of CNSMDP in the class of Phillipe Bernord and Michel Moragues. He was a scholarship student by Rohm Music Foundation from 2008 to 2012. As a chamber music player, he played many famous music hall as Salle Pleyel and Salle Cortot. In 2015, he was awarded ABC Fresh music prize. He won the the 3rd prize of Teresa Llacuna International Piano Competition in 2018 and the Excellence Award at the Ichikawa City Cultural Promotion Foundation's Fourth Improvisation Audition in 2020. As a chamber musician, he has performed at venues such as Salle Pleyel and Salle Cortot. He has also premiered many contemporary works and performed Japanese works for the premiere in France. He joined the piano trio TRIO VENTUS as a pianist in 2022. He received the Barocksaal Award at the 33rd Aoyama Music Award in 2023. 




Beethoven: Piano Concerto No.3, No.4

Chopin: Piano Concerto No.1

Liszt: Piano Concerto No.2

Mozart: Piano Concerto No.20

Ravel: Concerto pour Piano en Sol Majeur

            Concerto pour la main gauche

Rachmaninoff: Piano Concerto No.1, No.2

Saint Saens: Piano Concerto No.2

Chamber Music

with Violin

Beethoven: Violin Sonata No.5, No.7

Debussy: Violin Sonata

Franck: Violin Sonata

Mozart: Violin Sonata K.304, K.378

Poulenc: Violin Sonata

Prokofiev: Violin Sonata No.2

Ravel: Violin Sonata No.2

with Cello

Honegger: Cello Sonata

Poulenc: Cello Sonata

Rachmaninoff: Cello Sonata

Schubert: Arpeggione Sonata

with Flute

Bowen: Flute Sonata

Dutilleux: Flute Sonata

Mantovani: Appel d'air

Poulenc: Flute Sonata

Prokofiev: Flute Sonata

Reinecke: Sonata Undine

Weinberg: 12 Miniature for Flute and Piano

Woytowicz: Flute Sonata

Yoshimatsu: Digital Bird Suite

with Clarinet

Poulenc: Clarinet Sonata

Saint Saens: Clarinet Sonata

Weber: Grand Duo Concertant

for Trio

Beethoven: Piano Trio No.4, No.7

Brahms: Piano Trio No.1, No.3

Fauré: Piano Trio 

Mendelssohn: Piano Trio No.1, No.2

Ravel: Piano Trio

Rachmaninoff: Piano Trio No.1

Saint-Saëns: Piano Trio No.1, No.2

Tailleferre: Trio

Weinberg: Piano Trio

for Quintet

Brahms: Piano Quintet

Dvorak: Piano Quintet No.2

Franck: Piano Quintet

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